Smoking No More: How to Ditch the Closet Habit with a Proven Technique
It is still the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and yet 42.1 million people light up and new smokers start every day.
Smoking is my best friend,” Atlantan Barry Blackwell said. It’s always with me long after friends have left and people have gone, they are always here.
To help people who do want to quit smoking cig, scientists have looked with great interest into what works. Especially since studies have shown that 90% of those who try to quit, will start smoking again despite their best efforts.
Here are some options that have been scientifically proven to work, at least some of the time.
A new study that runs this week in the New England Journal of Medicine shows some promising results. Looking at more than 2,500 people enrolled in a CVS Caremark program, the study found people who had a financial incentive to quit had some remarkable success, at least after 12 months of trying.
The most successful program was one in which a person deposited $150 first. The person would get that plus $650 more if they successfully refrained from smoking. People in that program also got advice on quitting, access to a free counseling program and were offered nicotine-replacement therapy like gum or the patch. Of those people, 52.3% quit.
The next biggest group to quit, got an $800 incentive (without having to put down a deposit) and the other resources. Only 17.1% were successful with the larger payout but no potential loss of their own money.
Only the most disciplined among us can quit without any help. Studies show only about 4-7% can do it without any additional help.
If you want to try this method, what works best is to be mentally prepared, the experts say, and really commit to it. Also, get ready for the symptoms of withdrawal.
The folks at QuitSmokingCommunity.org suggest you drink water when the cravings start. Distract yourself with something else. Maybe go for a walk or go talk to someone. Try breathing deeply and slowly and think it though. It’ll be tough, but the feelings will pass.
One other thing that could help is to ask for support. Let your friends and family know that you are trying to quit. They can help keep you honest.